Happy Mother’s Day – Mom’s Psychic Connection

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother’s Day

Mother Knows Best

Almost every mother will attest to a unique bond with her children—a “Motherly Intuition” that seems to transcend words.  As a kid we definitely learned its reality, especially when we were up to no good.  But do we really understand what this unseen connection is?  How does Mom maintain the cord between the two people?  The simple answer is that she does not do it alone.   

A situation occurred last week that began a discussion with my wife regarding this bond she has with her children.  She and her daughter have one of the strongest energetic connections I have ever seen!  If one is sick, the other not only feels the depth of the illness but may even exhibit the same symptoms.  Energetic shielding helps the both of them but sometimes this connection is just too strong.  When it comes to her son, they have a wonderful relationship and connection, but one that is nowhere near the depth and volume as the other.  Why is that my wife wondered.  The depth and strength of this bond varies and is owned by both the Mother and Child.

Energetic Pipelines

Let me explain this energetic relationship in a plumbing analogy.  Just like the physical connections in plumbing, we all have energetic connections to everyone.  Some of these ties are extremely strong, like the ties between family members while others are more transparent, like with an acquaintance.  We, as individual souls determine the amount of energy they are willing to allocate to the other soul (person) imagined as pipes in various sizes.  Our energetic connections are similar in nature depending upon our needs and desires.

For Mothers and their children, the energetic connection can be viewed as two wide diameter cast iron lead pipes, one flowing from mother’s soul to child’s while another flows from child’s soul to Mom.  Created to last years, these pipelines allow for the maximum amount of energy and love to flow from their soul to the child.   When fully opened both pipelines allow for free-flowing energy that results in both sides receiving and transmitting unfiltered energy. 

However, at times we are unable to maintain our “outgoing pipelines”.  We might be going through a relationship ending or maybe work is overwhelming us.  We also might be struggling with ourselves and do not want the other to know what we are going through, emotionally hiding from others.  In these situations, we turn down the valve to our pipe, limiting the amount of energy flowing through to the other soul.  While we still receive the good energy and love from the other, the connection they feel is much less.

Open the Valve

While the amount of energy we send to one another varies at time, it is important to know that the energetic pipelines never shrink, and they do not clog!  Once established, they will always exist, but it sometimes takes the individual soul courage and humility to re=open the valve allowing the energy to flow freely again.

Wishing all of the Mothers out there (especially mine birthing me!), a Wonderful and Happy Mother’s Day!

If you are interested in scheduling a psychic reading / mediumship session, please visit my website at www.therescuemedium.com.

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I wrote about a recent rescue mediumship experience which you can read more about here.

#mothersday #psychic #mothersintution

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