March Full Moon – Worm Moon

March Full Moon – Worm Moon

Peak Illumination: Monday, March 25, at 3 A.M. EST

The full moon during the month of March is commonly called the Worm Moon although March’s full moon also goes by the names: Crow Moon, Sap Moon and Sugar Moon. It is named after the earthworms which begin to emerge as the soil temperatures begin to warm. Others believe the “worm” actually refers to insect larvae which begin to sprout from trees and the ground.

The Worm Moon cycle is extremely energetically powerful. The moon’s energy combines with an increasing energy from Earth as it begins transitioning from Winter to Spring. During this time, it is important for us to begin implementing changes in our lives. Last moon cycle, we “thawed” our souls from the winter season, this cycle we will be planting our spiritual seeds!

The Worm Moon provides an optimal time to begin manifesting and creating our goals and dreams as we are surrounded by positive energies. It is also a time to rid ourselves of items, feelings or people that no longer serve our highest and best.

Journaling is an excellent exercise to help our spiritual planting. For the exercise you will need to find a quiet location, a notebook and a pen. Begin the exercise by writing whatever comes to your mind and allow your thoughts to go where they may. You might begin writing about how your day was but quickly your thoughts turn to a movie you saw, or you might find the answer to a problem you are having. There are no right or wrong answers in the exercise, as long as you continue to write and continue until you feel comfortable. Could be five minutes, could be over an hour…. you will know the right time to stop.

Full Moons can be a blessing and a curse to those with psychic abilities. During the days leading up to and after the event, we become extremely sensitive to universal energies. Psychics will experience a heightened connection to Spirit and their personal intuition. Psychics performing readings will find it easier to connect with clients.

Do you practice journaling? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

If you would like to schedule a personal psychic reading or mediumship session, please visit here to book a session

If you missed last month’s full moon information, you can read more about it here.


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