Monthly Psychic Insight – What is Clairaudience?

Clairaudience - Clear Hearing
Clairaudience – Clear Hearing

Welcome to our Monthly Insight on Clairaudience, where we explore the fascinating psychic ability of hearing beyond the physical realm.

Understanding Clairaudience:

People often ask, “Bill how do your abilities work?” While it is a complicated answer, a simple explanation would be receiving information through my “Clairs”.

Clairs are an intuitive ability to receive information and knowledge from a source outside of our physical world. There are several different versions of Clairs, and psychics may have mastery of one or many Clairs. In a previous post, I discussed the topic of Clairvoyance. In this post, I will be discussing the topic of Clairaudience.

Clairaudience – The Ability to Hear The Other Side

The second Clair to be discussed is Clairaudience, which I find is the most common psychic ability. Clairaudience is the capacity to receive auditory information emanating from surrounding energies without using our physical sense of sound. This information takes many forms such as sounds, music, words that no one else can perceive. These sounds are generated from your Spirit Guides, passed loved ones, Angels and other spirits. The received information delivered is for your highest and best a vast majority of the time. .

Personal Experience

For me, I begin every morning receiving information from one of my Spirit Guides through clairaudience. When I wake up, I begin to sing a specific song in my head. Each and every day, the song is different and can be one that I have never heard before. It will continue to play in my head for a certain amount of time which can range from just a minute to for hours. Initially, I may not understand why the particular song was chosen, but most often, its purpose is relative to my future experiences that day.

How do I know if I am clairaudient?

There are several signs that you may be clairaudient:

1. You hear sounds and words that no one else does. Can be as simple as hearing your name or a knock on a door.

2. You talk with yourself often. No, you are not crazy. If you listen closely you will begin to receive answers to your questions

3. Do you enjoy peace and quiet? Your soul is craving answers from the Universe, but the “static sounds” around prevent you from clearly hearing them.

4. You hear strange sounds, ringing or unexplainable noises. While you might have tinnitus (I do) it might be your Guides attempting to communicate.

How can I develop clairaudience?

The good news is that clairaudience is the easiest clair to learn and develop! The great part is that practicing will not require you to purchase any tools or books! Just a quiet location and the ability to perform a mediation.

After you have found a quiet space and begin to mediate, begin to focus on the sounds surrounding you that you can hear. Might be a bird singing outside a window, a dripping faucet, others may want to use a metronome. Whichever sound you chose, focus on it. Lean into the sound by identifying feelings or emotions created while focused. Does the songbird remind you of a certain park? Does the dripping faucet bring back a rainy memory? This exercise helps to focus your mind and to begin to identify symbolism in messages.

Another practice exercise is to close your eyes and listen to a song for 30 seconds. Try to continue the song in your mind. Not only the lyrics but the music itself. Play the guitar, play the piano, etc. Create the song for 30 seconds and begin playing the music again to see how close you were able to recreate the song.

Both of these exercises allow you to learn to increase your senses so that you may be more focused and receptive to energies and aid in the interpretation clairaudience communication.

Did you try these exercises? How did you do? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section! If there are any topics regarding psychic abilities or mediumship, feel free to let me know!

If you are interested in learning more about my services or would like to schedule a psychic/mediumship reading, please visit here to book a session.


1 thought on “Monthly Psychic Insight – What is Clairaudience?”

  1. Pingback: Where Do Souls Go After Death?

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