August Full Moon – Sturgeon Moon
Peak Illumination: Monday, August 19, at 2:26 P.M. EST

August Full Moon - Sturgeon Moon
August Full Moon – Sturgeon Moon

Sturgeon Moon

August’s full moon provides us an excellent opportunity for spiritual growth and inner reflection.  Native Americans named August’s full moon the Sturgeon Moon, inspired by the lake sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.  Sturgeons typically dwell at the bottom of rivers and lakes, searching for food.  During August’s warmer waters, sturgeons rise closer to the surface, making them easier to harvest in shallower areas. 

August’s full moon is also known by various names, including the Flying Up Moon (a Cree term referring to the time when young birds are ready to leave the nest and learn to fly), the Corn Moon (Algonquin, Ojibwe), the Harvest Moon (Dakota), and the Ricing Moon (Anishinaabe), each reminding us that it is a time to gather matured crops.

In addition, this year’s Sturgeon moon is also a supermoon, the first of the year.  Supermoons occur when the moon’s orbit is at the closest point to the Earth.  

As the Sturgeon Moon symbolizes the summer harvest, it also invites us to reflect on the seeds of change we’ve sown throughout the year and how our efforts are beginning to manifest in our lives.  As one of the oldest  and still primitive species, the sturgeon symbolizes strength and resilience.  Just as the sturgeon rises to the surface, this moon encourages us to address old emotions and memories that may unconsciously prevent us from achieving our highest potential.  While these feelings may seem overwhelming, they are personal emotional wounds that require gentle care.  The dual light of the Sturgeon Moon and the Summer Sun provides us the strength and compassion to address them and begin the healing process.

Monthly Activities

During the Sturgeon Moon, it’s important to schedule time for relaxation and personal recharging.   Fill your energy tank with the Sturgeon Moon’s powerful and transformative energies. 

  • Practice daily meditation:  Practice daily meditation: Focus on the aspects of your life where you feel strength and power, as well as the areas where you seek further growth and development.
  • Explore your personal strengths through journaling:  Identify where these abilities can be better utilized to achieve your personal goals.

Several crystals can help enhance and harness the Sturgeon Moon’s energies for your highest and best:

  • Moonstone: Enhances intuition and stabilizes emotional balance.
  • Aquamarine:  Encourages calm, clarity, and emotional healing, helping to release old patterns
  • Labradorite: Enhances psychic abilities and spiritual insight.
  • Clear Quartz: Amplifies energy and intentions.
  • Amethyst: Enhances intuition, calms the mind, and aids in meditation.
  • Smoky Quartz:  Protection.  Helps to release negative energy.
  • Citrine:  Helps to develop wealth and success.
  • Selenite:  Cleans and purifies energy.

Use these crystals during the Sturgeon Moon by meditating with them, creating crystal grids, carrying them with you, or placing them under the moonlight to cleanse and charge them. These practices can help you fully harness the transformative energies of the Sturgeon Moon.

Full Moons and Psychics

Full moons can be both a blessing and a challenge for those with psychic abilities. In the days leading up to and following the full moon, we become highly sensitive to universal energies. During the days leading up to and following the event, we become extremely sensitive to universal energies. Psychics will experience a heightened connection to Spirit and their intuition. Performing readings becomes easier, as the connection with clients is stronger

How will you be utilizing the energy from the Sturgeon Moon?  Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

If you’d like to schedule a personal psychic reading or mediumship session, please visit my website at New clients receive a 25% discount on their first session with the coupon code “newclient” at checkout!

If you missed last month’s full moon post, the Buck Moon, please visit:

1 thought on “August Full Moon – Sturgon Moon”

  1. Pingback: September Corn Moon: Full Moon Energy, Eclipse & Rituals

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